Raingarden Cardiff


Created at: 13 Sep 2017


The National Surface Water Management and SuDS Group (previously known as the SuDS Working Party for Wales) has been set up as a multi organisation group to support the implementation of solutions to tackle surface water issues in Wales and encourage collaborative working. It is also intended to be used as a platform to share best practice and emerging information in relation to the delivery of an effective surface water management programme.

The objectives of the National Surface Water Management and SuDS Group are:

To provide a source of expertise in the field of surface water management; Encourage collaborative working and identify where benefits can be maximised; To ensure that environmental protection and eco-systems services are at the heart of delivery; To support LLFAs in the implementation of SuDS and in the development of Flood Risk Management Plans; Provide advice and signpost stakeholders to support the development of the relevant skills and expertise to manage surface water and construct SuDS; To provide advice and expertise to Welsh Government when requested in order to support the development of emerging policy; To develop a resource base for stakeholders and the public to inform them of best practice in relation to managing surface water and the use of SuDS; To encourage the reuse of water where possible; and To promote a better understanding of SuDS and Water Sensitive Urban Design, including the social, economic and environmental benefits that can be derived.

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

Regenwatertuinen zijn in Cardiff aangelegd om regenwater vast te houden en te infiltreren in de grond

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Floris Boogaard

• Submitted 2069 projects
• Expert at Water
• Netherlands

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