Swale and more: warehouse and distribution centre for Robert Welch,industrial estate on the edge of Evesham.



Created at: 22 Feb 2023


on this scheme we have:

  • Shoes on all rainwater pipes. Nothing goes into the ground. They discharge onto channels or into the raised linear wetland.
  • The headline feature is arguably the engineering brick raised #wetland that catches all the rainwater pipes from the front roof and which forms a beautiful, verdant barrier between the building and the car park. Spot the slot weirs that provide around 100mm of attenuation over the permanent water level and discharge into the #raingardens.
  • Raingardens running along the front of the building between the raised wetland and the car park. These have stone-filled basket inlets and outlets with integrated flow controls passing flows to the left as you're looking at the building.
  • Some clever flow control arrangements in the raingardens to allow us to apply SuDS approach 1 with separate long-term storage attenuation areas.
  • Permeable paving to the car park area. Again this uses multiple orifices to manage separate discharge of regular attenuation and long-term storage volumes.
  • All the above front-of-house SuDS features flow into a series of meadow and wetland basins in a social space before discharge to the brook at the surface without a headwall.
  • Elsewhere roof runoff passes via channels to raingardens or meadow basins arranged in series with low flow channels around the edges.
  • Drop-kerb inlets from impermeable vehicular areas.
  • Shallow swales running along two sides of the building connecting to a woodland area.
  • The woodland area features our signature no-dig attenuation beneath existing trees using very shallow feathered berms (max. 300mm) rising out of the very gentle slope toward the brook to create attenuation areas for extreme events and the long-term storage volume associated with Approach 1.
  • Final discharge is to an existing historic shallow ditch to the brook.

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

wadis, raingardens en meer

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Floris Boogaard

• Submitted 2069 projects
• Expert at Water
• Netherlands

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